In 1986, President Reagan signed into law the historic immigration reforms act. This gave the President office, Congress, Business/Corporation and Undocumented Immigrates amnesty.
In 2006, The President calls it a guess worker program without amnesty to undocumented immigrates. Yet, amnesty to his Office and himself for failure of protecting the boarders, Business/Corporations on there failure of following American laws, Congress that’s dependent upon special interest money to look the other way and not providing the funding to protect American boarders.
Now today we want; Undocumented immigrates to be held at a higher standard, that means no amnesty for a human being. We vote into office Presidents and Congress persons back into office. We hold them to lower standards on there failure for years to protect our boarders and enforce our immigration laws they have enacted. ”Lets not forget September 11, 2001.” The President and Congress told us not to hold them responsible. One can say, We the People continue to give them amnesty on there failures.
We must demand that our boarders and ports be protected first. “Have we not wondered since September 11, 2001, with all the talk about America going to get hit again, that our boarders and ports have not been our first priorty. Yet, Iraq got the higher priority.” If our elected officials fail to protect the boarders and ports first; What makes us believe they can enforce any future guess worker program?
Government/Business amnesty - minus Undocumented immigrates.
The Past/Future!
PAST "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" FUTURE "Give my few your money in turn.
I will give you my jobs, my ports, my security, my land,
my people."
The Three Legs of Immigration!
Leg 1.
The Congress shall have the power to collect taxes to provide the common Defense of the United States, to establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization. The President is responsible of enforcing such laws.
In 1986, President Reagan signed into law the historic immigration reforms act. They had no intention to provide the necessary funds and human capital to protect our boarders when Congress sent the bill to President.
( 1996---Republican President----Republican Senate---Democratic House of Representatives.)
Are We Better Off Today Than We Were Twenty Years Ago?
Leg 2.
The U.S. Corporation has won the debate on IMMIGRATION for TWENTY YEARS with the full support and backing of the Congress and President of the United States of America. They continue cry out for immigrant workers, but refuse to support any-type of a living wage an will exploit undocumented immigrate and at the same time Out Source Middle Class Jobs, sell out American to Foreign Nations for a short term gains for just the few.
Corporations agenda looks like we heading for pre-1776 to by pass “We the People”. They know that our country is tied up with Wedge issues and fund money to promote the confusion that continues to divide us. They decry for more deregulation while they break the laws of our county on immigrationons.
( Stock holders have sold out there children and county for a few short term gains. )
Are We Better Off Today Than We Were Twenty Years Ago?
Leg 3.
Immigrates flock to America for a better life, we call out to the world for them. Congress was responsible to set up the avenue for those to travel to America in Section 8 of the Constitution of United State and provide the funding to accomplish this task. The President was responsible to make sure those laws are carried out.
Undocumented immigrates (99.99%) flock to America across our boarder for a better life and provide money back to there families, with the consent of our Government. Since our politicians are owned by corporations dollars they will turned there back. The funding from the corporate world that will assist the gerrymandering of state districts will help there agenda to be passed with water down immigration laws with entities as winner over individual person.
We are approaching an election year, 19 years have passed and lord and behold they see the light, but it too will pass after the election of 2006. Congress will fail to pass any comprehensive immigration bill and continue to divide there citizens while they exploit undocumented immigrates for political gain and backing of the corporations .
( Will “We the People” hold Undocumented immigrates to a higher standard? Rather than our Congress, President and Corporations. )
Are We Better Off Today Than We Were Twenty Years Ago?