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Monday, July 30, 2007

Purple America

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DNC chair Howard Dean, has begun to level the playing field by putting field organizers, media directors and fundraisers into both "red" and "blue" states to stimulate grassroots organizing and year-round party-building.

read @ The Nation by Bob Moser

Unique Creature

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In June, House investigators revealed that Vice President Dick Cheney had exempted his office from an executive order order designed to safeguard classified national security information by claiming that the Office of the Vice President is not an “entity within the executive branch.”

read @ Thinkprogress

Bring them home...

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Conserative Talking Point

Bill O'Reilly hits like girly-man

Fox Opinion Media

Friday, July 27, 2007

Executive Privilege Rolls On.

This shows the worst side of our government. The President is calming Exective Privilege on Pat Tillman death. Think Progress has article.


RFK Jr & Greg Palast discuss "caging"
Bobby Kennedy of GoLeft.tv and Air America Radio's Ring of Fire talks with investigative reporter Greg Palast of BBC America. Greg Palast uncovered a voter fraud scheme known as "caging", that was carried out by Republican operative and Karl Rove aid Timothy Griffin. Griffin had been appointed to replace one of the eight fired US Attorneys, but was forced to resign when Congressman John Conyers received Greg Palast's startling information.

Previously undisclosed documents detail how Republican operatives, with the knowledge of several White House officials, engaged in an illegal, racially-motivated effort to suppress tens of thousands of votes during the 2004 presidential campaign in a state where George W. Bush was trailing his Democratic challenger, Senator John Kerry. Review at: Truthout

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bill O'Reilly

Faux News has had a crazy hate-on for us left wing bloggers. That far-left concern routinely posts vile thoughts such as Tony Snow should die from cancer, the pope is a primate, and Israel deserves to be attacked. The hate this Web site traffics in rivals the KKK and Nazi Web sites. Since JetBlue was the only major company sponsoring the Kos conference, we wanted to know why. So we confronted Barger.

Faux where is the out rage; Christians United for Israel's for the calling of death of Billions? Was this oversight on your part?

On July 16, Christians United for Israel's annual Washington-Israel Summit.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Wall Street Journal

Pap with John Nichols
Mike Papantonio of GoLeft TV and Air America's Ring of Fire and John Nichols, Washington correspondent for The Nation, talk about what will happen to the Wall Street Journal if Rupert Murdoch takes over.