McClatchy News Paper “Truth to Power” for the 21st Century

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Location: Washington, United States


Saturday, August 26, 2006

I'M Not Santa Claus

This may be the first time Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was telling the Families of the 172nd Stryker Brigade the truth. “I’m not Santa Claus.” The Soldiers of the 172nd have been told there tour of duty in Iraq will be extended up to or longer than 4 months. This is due to the Secretary Rumsfeld not having that magic wand. This Administration has been living in that fairy tale land since; the Amusement Park of the Supreme Court gave them operational license to control the rides. Only in Never - Never - Land of the United States can they get away with there fairy tales.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


The first, US District Court Judge on August 17, 2006 has order the Bush Administration to halt the National Security Agency warrant less wiretapping program on Americans. (Ruling) The Judge doesn’t rule that FISA is unconstitutional only in the manner in which President Bush Administration is by passing the law. Prior to the 1978 enactment of FISA the government was abusing the rights of the American people, therefore Congress enacted the (FISA)law, they setup a secret court that will here National Security wiretapping issues on Americans. The Government can with out court order begin wiretapping Americans but, must return to the court within 72 hours that is 3 day as to the obtain a subpoena. The Judge ruled that his is breaking the law. The conclusion is the First and Fourth Amendment and the FISA law.

See what Jack Cafferty at CNN rants about?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Corporate Government vs. We the Peoples Government

We know at the present time, Congress is unable to conduct any over sight of the Executive branch. We have an Executive branch that believes it’s above the law. This morning in the---Head lines New York Times comes--- “I.R.S. Enlists Help in Collecting Delinquent Taxes.” No the head lines should read”The Tax Payers Must Submit to Corporate Dominance, They No Better.” The IRS over the years have been forced to treat Americans with respect, when it comes to there enforcement on individuals. The Congress and the President is forcing the I.R.S. to out-source at a higher cost to the tax payers. Guess-- where the business is going? The cronies and convicts the same MO of this Congress and President. Remember--- Government is Evil and Corporations is your Salvation.