McClatchy News Paper “Truth to Power” for the 21st Century

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Location: Washington, United States


Thursday, December 27, 2007

Proposal of the Physicians' Working Group for Single-Payer National Health Insurance

“Health care is an essential safeguard of human life and dignity, and there is an obligation for society to ensure that every person be able to realize this right.”

—Cardinal Joseph Bernardin

U.S. health care is rich in resources. Hospitals and sophisticated equipment abound; even many rural areas boast well-equipped facilities. Most physicians and nurses are superbly trained; dedication to patients the norm. Our research output is prodigious. And we fund health care far more generously than any other nation.

Read more at PNHP

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


In a Democracy you don't have to shut up.

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Voting Systems In Ohio Have "Critical Security Failures"

From cliffschecter:

That was the conclusion reached by the EVEREST study (Evaluation & Validation of Election-Related Equipment, Standards & Testing) put together by our fantastic Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner (think Ken Blackwell or Katherine Harris, without the overarching stupidity, moral vapidity, holier-than-thou BS and corporate and political cronyism--in other words, imagine just the opposite).

Here are the basic findings, which I'm sure will shock you all:

Ohio's voting systems are vulnerable.

Testers looking at the performance of Ohio's voting machines identified numerous risks to election integrity ranging from minor to severe. Among their findings: a magnet and a Personal Digital Assistant (i.e. a Treo) may be all that is needed to hack into Ohio's voting systems.

Although I'm just sure nothing was tampered with in 2004, what with the strange results in many parts of the state and the GOP's history of commitment to fair elections in places like Florida and New Hampshire...

In any case, watch the video to see Brunner's commitment to fair elections in 2008. And catch a rising political star in the Ohio Democratic Party...


Saturday, December 22, 2007

FCC and media consolidation

Monday December 3rd, 2007

“There are just five or six companies in America that dominate the media landscape—giant multinational conglomerates. So there may be a lot of different voices but they’re coming from the same ventriloquist.”
--Jonathan Adelstein, FCC Commissioner


Did the Neocons pick their horse?

Did CIA break the law destroying torture tapes?


Wednesday, December 19, 2007



Sunday, December 09, 2007

What's Really Wrong With the MSM?

Eric Alterman

1. Its members consistently defer to conservative Republican Presidents with a history of deliberate deception, allowing them to define their terms. "One of the reasons for not [calling chaos in Iraq a civil war] was, you know, honestly, a concern that because the White House has contended that this is not a civil war, that using the phrase amounted to a kind of unnecessary political statement."--Bill Keller, executive editor, New York Times.

More at Nation

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Who Knew What, and When on Iran?

So this morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough had Pat Buchanan on the phone to discuss the recent NIE revelations about Iran, and Bush’s pathetic performance yesterday in saying that he didn’t find out about it until just now. Both Pat and Joe were absolutely incredulous at that statement.

Randi Rhodes ( Air America )

Randi Rhodes ( Air America ) Addressed The 50th Anniversary party of PEACE ACTION of Mich. nov 11 2007. Her speech " WE ... all » BELIEVE " was received with standing ovation after standing ovation and her thoughts are shared thru out the peace now & forever community. I am very proud & honored to share her thoughts & words with the " thinking & principled" of the world. Thank you" Community Media Network" ( public access television )

Kucinich on Kucinich health plan-Brown&Black Forum

Simple question should Health Care be a Privilege or Basic Right?

Sunday, December 02, 2007

"The End of America": Naomi Wolf and Amy Goodman Discuss America's Descent into Fascism

Posted by Adam Howard, AlterNet at 4:01 AM on December 1, 2007.

Naomi Wolf outlines what she sees as the ten steps to shut down a democratic society. She argues the Bush administration has already implemented many of these steps.

Read and Watch Vedio at: AterNet